
Saturday, 26 March 2016

How to teach English for Children easily? "Introducing Noun"

How to teach English for Children easily?
"Introducing Noun"

       In teaching process, the basic thing that could be learned by children is introducing the name of noun "Kata benda". They can express English correctly and accurately by a single word, based on things around them. They can make singular and plural nouns which are suitable with things  that they see in their house, school, and playroom.

1. We give some words and showing the thing that you mean. For example, you say "a ball", you show them the ball to your children to make them underatand that thing that we touch or we show , can be called as a ball.
2. Then, ask them to imitate it correctly. Till they can pronounce well.
3. Now, you can ask them using english, show the ball to your children first. then, ask them " what is this?",  repeat it till they can answer faster.

         Here, i will give you some words "Noun" that usually use by children:
1. A cat
2. A ball
3. A doll
4. A candy
5. A toy
6. A dog
7. A car
8. A ballon
9. A sun
10. A mon

      Now, how to make your children know and undrestand noun " kata benda " which is changed to be plural.
It is same as you introduce noun in some steps above, but to make your children understand well, you can show them one thing, then show them two or more things. For example, you show them "a doll", ask them " what is this?". Till they answer correctly. Then, show them two or more dolls, ask them "what are these?". You can give a clue or the answer, says "a doll" and "dolls". So, they can imitate you and understand well the differences between "a ball" and "balls" considering of whay they see and touch.
Thank you for reading, please give me a comment. 😊


  1. Hello there, I would like to suggest playing games with the new vocabulary so that children enjoy learning with you. In order for children to learn new words they need repetition. You could go blue in the face repeating ball to them until they say it correctly, and often a child will become bored and frustrated since there is no point in saying "ball, ball, ball" like a parrott!

    But you can use games to repeat words without seeming annoying to your child. For example if you lay out the objects, or pictures of the objects on the floor, name the words and have your child throw a soft ball at them, it's much more fun. (I use a pair of socks rolled-up).

    There are hundreds of games to make teaching English more fun, and actually more successful, since your child will enjoy it instead of becoming annoyed by his or her persistant mum or dad!

    Finally the games are for children from aged 3 and up. If you are working with toddlers then you play with them in English, but not in such an organised way.

    There's a nice video with games you might get some ideas from on this link:

    Kind regards
    Shelley Ann Vernon

    1. Thank you for your suggestion, that sound a great idea. I will checkbthe videos on the link
