School of Linguistics
GTG (Generative Transformational Grammar)
Transformational rules: Adding, deleting, moving.
Theory supporting GTG
1. Richard A. Hudson's Systemic grammar (daughter dependency theory)
2. Ray Jackendoff => Linguistics Bounderies
3. Michael Halliday's GTG/SFL (Systematic functional Grammar/Linguistics) SFG, language can analyze into:
a. Semantic
b. Phonology
c. Lexico grammar
√ There is no limitations to create structural grammatical sentence.
1. Interpersonal meaning, how the relation between speaker-hearer.
2. Ideasional meaning, refers to process
3. Textual meaning refers to the media, e.g: Indonesia vs English
a. Saya akan pergi => i will go (same of placement)
b. Should he be consistent=> it depends on the target language
Generativsm and Transformational
Generate, formal grammar, and mathematic grammar.
In Generative Transformative Grammar theory, " phrase structure rule" illustrate mathematically our knowledge of how the basic units of a sentence are assambled.
The rule ( Transformatioanl Grammar):
S -> NP + VP " a sentence consists of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase"
Phrase Structure Grammar
a. Rules for determining the structure of phrase
b. Generate a lot of sentences from a small number of rules
c. The structure of phrase will consist of one or more constituents in a certain order.
√ Constituents:
a. Some words seem to belong together
(The crazy man) (is jumping off the bridge)
Thank you for reading. Give me a comment, please!!
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