
Saturday 16 April 2016

Asking and Giving Help "Conversation"

Boy: Hi, Girl. What's happen with you? why are you so confused?
Girl: I have a little problem.
Boy: What is that?
Girl: I lost my wallet. So, I can't go home because I usually go home by bus and I can't call my father.
Boy: I am so sorry to hear that. You can borrow my  money. How much do you need?
Girl: Five thousand rupiahs. Do you have it?
Boy: Yes, i have. Okay, i will give you.
Girl: Thank you, Boy. When will I give your money back?
Boy: Don't worry. it's up to you.
Girl: Thank you so much, Boy. I will give your money back tomorrow.
Boy: OK. No problem
Girl: I'm first, Boy. Bye!
Boy: Bye!

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