
Thursday 24 March 2016

How to be a good teacher?

How to be a good teacher?

          A good student considers of how teacher teach in the class. Do they know the charachter of the student?, do they prepare well the material before the class?, are they good looking?, Do they use interesting method and strategies during teaching?. So, teacher should know first that they should be a good teacher in order to their students are being a good student.

      The first step is teacher must observe the class to know situation and understand the character of students. It will make teacher will be aeasy to deliver material in the class.
      The second step is teacher should prepare well material that would be delivered in the class. It has function to make students understand the material. Then, teaching process is going smoothly and fluently. In contarst, if teacher do not prepare material well before the class, teacher will be confused what material that will be delivered in the class. It gives impact to the class situation, maybe it will make students are being noisy because they do not understand what teacher does explain. So, preparing material before the class is not trivial thing.
       The third step is teacher should dress well or teacher must be  good looking because it has function to make your students just focus on you, and students will notice teachers' explanation during the class.
      The forth step is teacher should or must use interesting method and strategy. This step could be called as the important one in teaching. The reasons are students will be more active and students will give their respond in the class. Therefore, the class will be live.

Thank you for reading, please give the comment 😊

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